Call me a snob, I don’t care when it comes to butter. LURPAK is THE butter for me.

I did a search on LURPAK & surprised to find it is a premium butter that has been in the market for over a hundred years. Am I ignorant or what?
During my early years in baking, I used only SCS as all mothers & aunties swear by it. It was a MUST for all our CNY cookies. But there was no SCS in Taipei, so I switched to P & A. They were both excellent, especially P. But now, I am a LURPAK convert.
Premium butter can make a subtle difference and bring out the best of the recipe. Though it is a bit more expensive, it also yield premium result. After all garbage in, garbage out. So, for those who haven't tried LURPAK, I strongly recommend you to try, at least once, and perhaps, you will be hooked, just like me.